Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Help-hairy leg problem...?

my parents dont have hairy legs,my sisters dont have one either..i got hairy legs because i shaved it when i was really do i get rid of it once and for all??? i already tried shaving,using depilatories,waxing,threading,etc..i dont like laser hair removal because there might be complications. is there a product in the market that sells PERMANENT hair remover?as in permanent?

Help-hairy leg problem...?

laser hair removal is as permanent as they get. They're really not bad. I've had a girl friend have it done and it worked like a charm. Yes it's expensive but it's worth it. I'm actually planning on having it done. You just have to make sure the the place you go to is a good one...meaning ask family and friend for referals.

Help-hairy leg problem...?

wear jeans and not short pants

Help-hairy leg problem...?

No permanent solution. You just drew the short end of the genetic stick... Make peace with the hair removal products and continue doing it...

Help-hairy leg problem...?

just wax it

Help-hairy leg problem...?

I have the same problem but doesnt matter to me much as I am a guy. Try laser. I dont think these days with the latest technology available laser should cause any complications.

Help-hairy leg problem...?

um no suks 4 ya

Help-hairy leg problem...?

have your hormones and ovaries checked then try laser

Help-hairy leg problem...?

I would suggest Intense Pulsed Light which has taken over from Laser (even though a lot of people refer to it as Laser). The light only penetrates 4mm down to the hair root. You need to go to a qualified practitioner so you don't have "complications". Possible side effects are change in pigment, burns. You will need on average 6 - 8 treatments and then you will be hair free. It's wonderful, yes - a little expensive in the short term but great results and no more expense or problems later. There are no products or other treatments on the market that I am aware of that will given you as good a result. Just be really careful where you go and you'll be fine !! Good Luck

Help-hairy leg problem...?

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