Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Which is the best permanent hair removal system?

for use on upper lip. i would like an at home system(availiable in the UK)

Which is the best permanent hair removal system?

Laser is the only thing around that will get rid of hairs permanently, but you can't do that at home.

Or maybe you can, I don't know what sort of stuff you own of course.

Otherwise just wax it.

Which is the best permanent hair removal system?


Which is the best permanent hair removal system?


Which is the best permanent hair removal system?

Use a blow torch

Which is the best permanent hair removal system?

radium tablets

Which is the best permanent hair removal system?

by plucking it from the roots. it is painful, but the hait never grow again. this is the oldest method of hair removal %26amp; it works.

laser %26amp; bleeching

Which is the best permanent hair removal system?

Laser or electrolysis - I've never tried the former, but the latter stings like crazy. Don't try it at home, you can become scarred - pay for a professional.

Which is the best permanent hair removal system?

wax it quick easy and lasting results

Which is the best permanent hair removal system?

I believe that electrolysis is the best permanent hair removal system but the home systems can cause scarring and it should be done by a professional. Can be expensive and will need several treatments.

I tend to use a cream and then pluck the regrowth. It isn't permanent but it is inexpensive and works well for a couple of months.

Which is the best permanent hair removal system?

Hair Removal: Temporary and Permanent Solution

Which is the best permanent hair removal system?

Alopecia works well

Which is the best permanent hair removal system?

Laser but only at a beauty institute.

Which is the best permanent hair removal system?

There are lots of hair products of the market, or hot-line, you can try wax or laser.

Which is the best permanent hair removal system?

if you put a large slug on your lip and keep it there for a week it will feed off the hair and it will suck out any excess fat too so win win!

Let it wander up your nose at night for those unsightly nostril hairs as well

Which is the best permanent hair removal system?

I suppose this question was posed by a woman. But these days, who knows?

Which is the best permanent hair removal system?

Plucking (tweezing), Shaving, Depilatory creams and Waxing are temporary hair removal methods.

Waxing usually lasts for 3 weeks, but it is painful.

Electrolysis and laser hair removal are "permanent" hair removal methods but are expensive and you have to find a trained professional, otherwise your skin could be damaged.

A review of the various hair removal methods is available at

Which is the best permanent hair removal system?

Laser, but have it done professionally otherwise it will scar

Which is the best permanent hair removal system?

Lazar treatments

Which is the best permanent hair removal system?

Laser is probably the best form of hair removal ,although they don't always guarantee that the results will be permanent. It depends on the fairness and courseness of the hair you have on your upper lip. Waxing is both popular and a good way to remove the hair, unfortunately the results only last a few weeks, but the hair is tapered when it grows back, which makes it less noticable. Never tweeze or shave the hair as it will only come back thicker, courser and more noticable.

Which is the best permanent hair removal system?

Which is the best permanent hair removal system?

Get a bleaching kit

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